Friday, November 20, 2009

Is there a way to delete the guest account on windows xp pro?

No, but you can disable it in the Local Security Policy under Administrative Tools.. If it's not already disabled. You can also disable it in the Computer Management console by Right-Clicking "My Computer" and clicking "Manage", going to "Local Users and Groups" %26gt; "Users" and double click the Guest account and check the "Account is Disabled" box, unless it already has a red X on it.

Is there a way to delete the guest account on windows xp pro?windows mail

no, but there is a way to hide it.

Is there a way to delete the guest account on windows xp pro?microsoft maps internet explorer


Go to start;

Click on Control Panel;

From the panel click on Users and Accounts'

The Accounts with Icons will present with options to modify or delete accounts. Jose

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