Friday, November 27, 2009

File sharing in windows XP HOME Edition???

I have network between two computers. one with windows xp pro and the second one with windows xp HOME....

I can access the shared folders in the computer with XP Pro but I can't access the shared folders in the XP HOME computer ????

it always says (you don't have permission, access is denied)


File sharing in windows XP HOME Edition???windows 98

Make sure file and print sharing is enabled on xp home, Right click on the folder you want to share and click sharing. You can share the entire hard drive if you like!

File sharing in windows XP HOME Edition???microsoft support internet explorer

I have the same problem so when you find out will you let me know? Same windows versions
There may be some sharing problem.share the file through property

panel by rt. click. pr maybe there is a difference of os thats why.
Right click the folder and choose "sharing and and security" to share the files in the folder. If that still doesnt work, you may have to turn on file sharing for the pc in general. I forget how to do that. google for "file sharing xp home."
Turn off the built-in XP Firewall on both machines, if you also have another firewall, allow all traffic from both the ip address (make a rule in your firewall).
hi there! you can also access your computer from where you work. maybe the problem is you don't have permission from the computer. you must configure your server and also your computer firewall to allow remote computers to connect to your computer. One way or another peer 2 peer networks works only if you have permissions.
Because you have to make sure that you are the Administrator and you got to set both Computers so yyou can gain access to all files.Do you own both computers and are you logged on as an Administrator or just a guest.

Read up on your Help files or just press the "F1" key.

for further info go www,

Take care.
That's Microsoft for ya! You will need to set the permissions, but, If I Recall, that was yet another feature crippled in the 'Home " Edition!!!

I find it much easier to boot to the LiveCDrom of and mount the hard drive, and ritght click on the icon, change the read/write permissions, bring up SAMBA file sharing, and then transfer all the files that way, using drag 'n drop, onscreen. Rebooting after that, the folders will be on the hard drive, ready for me to use!

Even faster is Damn Small Linux.

Hey,,, run 45,000 Linux computers! The OS is transparent to the actual security, file-sharing and efficiency of operations!

Or, 'sneaker net' with my 256 to 2GB USBsticks...
You have a great Hep function built into you Windows Operating system. It is on the Start menu. This can be frustrating but You can do it. There are a lot of possibilities.

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