Sunday, November 29, 2009

Windoes xp pro password problem!?

i forgot the password for my computer to log in to windows xp from a user account, and i rebooted from my cd and made all the necessary changes, but to go on i need a product key for windows xp pro CD, but i don't know where the key is anymore, and does anyone know what i can do? anyone wanna gimme their key please? i jus want to get onto my computer again with the right passwords =[


Windoes xp pro password problem!?windows xp pro

If your computer came with XP preinstalled the product Key tag should be on the side or back panel of the Tower. If not, it should be on the box. If you don't have the box, you screwed yourself.

Asking for other members to provide you a product key is against the Community Guidelines. The reason, providing you with a product key is illegal.

Windoes xp pro password problem!?microsoft net framework internet explorer

i doubt someone would give u a free one
You have more problem then Carter has liver pills, first if you got the computer new then you have a sticker on the back or bottom with the Key, anyway if not then go to any computer store and they will sell you a key with the sticker for your computer and have them do a clean install using windows 8 in 1 so you get all the updates,,,,,

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