Sunday, November 29, 2009

Windows XP repair keeps restarting?

I just started a windows xp repair procedure.

E.G. Boot from windows xp pro cd. press enter and let it find an installation of xp on the main harddrive then press R to repair.

After I thought it was complete.. i took out the cd then it came to the screen that comes up when you're installing windows then asked for the cd so I put it back in.

So it said 39 minutes for installation to complete. I waited and it gets to about 37 mins then stays there for a while and the text that tells u about what windows offers still changes then the progress bar starts to move again and the minutes go down.

Then the pc restarts like its completed the repair then goes on like its going to boot into windows like it normally does then comes to a screen that says windows setup is restarting. Then goe's back to the screen I mentioned above and keeps doing it.

What could the problem be? External harddrives and USB sticks that I've connected to the pc?

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It sounds like your Windows image is pooched. You might have to start over with a clean install. However, I always disconnect external drives when doing systems work like this.

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To repair windows XP boot your computer from the Boot able XP CD(mean put the CD drive above the Hard disk in booting order), and first check the BIOS is set to boot from the CD then insert the windows XP CD and boot your system.

When you see " To setup Windows XP now, press ENTER", go ahead and press ENTER

You will see here an option to repair Windows by pressing "R". Do not select this option - it will only take you to the Recovery Console, which is not what we want to do. Instead, choose to continue the installation

When you see the license agreement, press F8 to agree

On the next screen make sure your current XP installation is selected and then press "R" to repair XP

At this point XP will begin to install on top of itself, replacing damaged, missing or altered system files. Follow the instructions on the remaining screens to complete the Repair Install.

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