Sunday, November 29, 2009

Windows xp , linux suse and mac tiger in one pc howto?

Hi i like to have triple boot on my pc windows xp pro , linux suse pro and mac os tiger.(windows xp by default OS).I need help about how to do it.Thanx.


Windows xp , linux suse and mac tiger in one pc howto?ie 7

Good luck, and let me know how it goes!!!

Windows xp , linux suse and mac tiger in one pc howto?ireland internet explorer

Well, you're going to need three separate hard-drive partitions, each with a different file system. It's not easy to explain and is going to take hours of research and practice. Have fun!
u can use linux and windows together but u can't use mac and win together .. because windows support own hardware that mac don't support windows hardware.

there are a few hardware support win and mac..

to use linux and win , u most first install linux then install windows

if u already install win and don't uninstall win use "VIRTUAL PC"

VIRTUAL PC is simplest way to install many OS on one PC

goodLuck ;-)

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