I own a retail genuine version of Windows XP pro, am I allowed to install it on two PC's owned by myself in my own house?
XP Pro on 2 computers??...?microsoft zune
No, you're not "allowed" to, but that doesn't mean it's not possible...
; )
XP Pro on 2 computers??...?windows nt internet explorer
Yes if you purchased the Windows XP Pro legitimately.
I don't think so....you would have to obtain a further lincence from Microsoft.
No wonder Bill Gates lives in such a big house!!
no. one licence for one pc, if you try to register both microsoft will know!!
Nope you would need a site licence. The licence agreement will tell you what you can and cannot do with the software.
you can install xp on only 1 computer as it will only update to 1 p.c,if it finds 2 p.c,s with the same licence key,it will detect one as a copy and show the genuine microsoft notification
however ,i have tried it,and it seemed ok,i mean,who is going to buy a xp home install it on a p.c and then throw it away after 2 installs,if you get a new or 2nd hand p.c which needs xp you are gonna use your copy
heres one,i used a copy of xp i found on a rubbish tip,i managed to insatll it,update it,install service pack 2 ,and from what i have heard its still going strong,so anything is possible
once vista comes out,xp activation rules may change as the emphasis will be on vista,just like windows 98 which you can install now with no problem at all,as microsoft has finished worrying about this version,so it accepts that all the copies are not genuine,
note...4 million copys of windows 98 were sold in 1998,8 million copys were updated.........
so i would say.just install xp on your 2nd p.c and if it works ,which i think it will,thats fine,just remember if you ring up microsoft helpline..DO NOT tell them you have installed it on multiple p.c,s
good luck
don't do that microsoft will know because you have to register it.
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