Sunday, November 29, 2009

Windows Xp Home upgrade to Windows XP Professional?

I bought a new computer with Windows Xp Home in it(service pack2). My question is i have a Windows XP pro upgrade disk i bought couple years back and cannot use. When i put the cd in to install it says that i aready have a newer version of Windows installed? I beleive this is because the upgrade disk is older than Service pack 2. Is there anyway around this such as uninstalling Service pack 2 temporarily? Any suggestions? Thank you.

Windows Xp Home upgrade to Windows XP Professional?download windows xp

if you just install or update the sp2 on your home after you buy it go to add/remove program and uninstall the windows sp2.

but if your home edition is installed with build in sp2, i think you cannot do anything.

Windows Xp Home upgrade to Windows XP Professional?ies internet explorer

Buy Windows Vista, it's much better
The upgrade disc upgrades from Win98/ 2000/ME. So you are best formating and installing the upgrade from there. No need to install win 98, as part of the process of XPs setup is to prompt for a win98 CD.

To be honest its probably not worth the effort, professional edition just has a few extras for office/networking.

I'm very suprised that your 'new' computer has XP on it at all. Most have Vista these days, so you could have bought old stock...

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